Below are a few frameworks designed to help with community and content creation and management.
Community 2x2
For organizations deciding what type of community might be the most helpful for their current phase of development. For many, the right thing will be a blend.

- Ambassadors & Creators - Enthusiastic people you can connect together and support to share how they are using your product, the value they’ve created, and much more.
- Focus Groups - Small, temporary, or casual gatherings of prospective users of your product who can provide you with candid feedback on your journey to product-market fit.
- Customer Advisory Boards - Small cohorts of customers that derive benefit from your product, who you can learn from on a regular basis, and who may become evangelists.
- Consultants & Champions - Customers/users who can help others like them succeed with your product, and enthusiasts inside companies who can help you expand your impact.
^ For each of the above, connecting people to one another generates so much positive energy, learning, and innovation.
Community Lessons
Here are some of the things I’ve seen help communities thrive over time.

Content-Market Fit Questionnaire
- What types of people would you like to have respond to your content? (Often this is the same as your ideal customer base for your product.)
- How much time do they have on average to consume content? When do they?
- What types of media do they prefer? Video? Podcast? Writing?
- What makes them successful in their lives and work? What do they fear most? What would get them promoted? What anxieties keep them up at night? What’s grinding them down?
- What are some solutions, advice, tools, connections, etc. that could help address the problems or concerns they've shared with you? (Is it your experience/knowledge, your product, other folks in your network that they'd like to hear from?)
- What action would you ideally like them to take after interacting with your content?